Sunday, January 23, 2011

6 Ways Photography Changed Society

Excuse as I write down the significance for all 6 of the ways photography has changed society. Final thoughts at the very bottom. 

Who We Are
Photography changes many things of the person; their outlook in life, their opinion of people, attention to detail. It helps shape character and builds on personality. It's something magical that can spark someones interest or help someone understand more about society.

What We Do
Having a career is one thing, but being able to photograph and appreciate what we do is another. As a baker, photography changes what I do on the daily basis. We always see picture-perfect photographs taken by others; the perfect lighting, angle, spacing. Picture perfect. Not only as a baker, but as any other occupation, photography does alter how we look at it. Politicians use it, and so do scientists. It really changes and helps people exceed what they want to accomplish. 

What We See 
For obvious reasons, photography changes what we see. Sometimes it's somethings that are right in front of us at the moment, but only later do you realize what was happening in the background. Or it could be the close-up of something that changes what we see. For example, a close-up for any insect or flower is much more complicated to the naked eye. It opens us to a whole new world. 

Where We Go
Travelling is something that probably everyone has on their bucket list. Unfortunately, economy is holding us back from doing so. With photography however, we are able to see what the other side of the world offers. How society lives like there, what buildings look like there, what main attractions exist. Photography is a way for us to be on one side of the world, and still lets us experience everywhere else. 

What We Want
Photographs are taken of people, products, food, places etc. It shows us something that we may not cross everyday, and instead introduces us to so many more things that we were unaware of. As a result, it shows us what we desire; it could be from the perfect dish, to human features. It's kind of like the beauty of online shopping; we get to see what we want from a store without having to actually own it. 

What We Remember
The world dates back thousands of years, and being without time travel, it is hard for us to understand the past and what exactly happened before. Through photographs kept and handed down from generation to generation, we are given an image to help us imagine what the world was like thousands of years ago. It helps us remember the roots of our existence, where we were before technology began taking over. It's a reminder of the simplicity of the past. 

All-in-all, photography can't be said to have altered only one of these 6 aspects. It has changed society through all six. It helps shape us as a person, as well as helping us understand the roots of our existence. It helps build our career and helps spark an interest to something new. All have been a significant contribution to society and continues to progress as technology advances. Leaving only more space of exploration and understanding in the future. 

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